Who can use this archive?

Anyone with an interest in the deHavilland Vampires.

Who can contribute documents to the archive?

Anyone can contribute. Please send your documents to be included to dehavillandvampirejet@gmail.com

I see an error on the site, who should I tell?

Please let us know via our email - dehavillandvampirejet@gmail.com

I'm working on a Vampire, can I share a link to my project site?

Of course you can. We would ask for at least one picture and a brief description of the project to go along with your link.

Send us all the information to dehavillandvampirejet@gmail.com

How much is each document to download?

FREE. Although a lot of time, effort and some money has been spent to digitise the documents, we are not charging for them. We just ask that others contribute to the documents for all to access.

Further scans of documents are in the planning, if you wish to help with the cost of scanning please contact us - dehavillandvampirejet@gmail.com